Driveway Moments in The Bathroom (Newsletter No. 26.5)
My dad used to ask me, “Do you know what a driveway moment is??? A driveway moment is…”
And then he’d ask me the question again a few months later.
It’s when you hear a radio story so good during your commute that even when you’ve reached your suburban house, you stay in the car listening till the end.
(Think this was particularly pertinent before the internet when you couldn’t just look up the clip later )
But even so…now that I have the internet…
Sometimes I’m done with my shower and there’s nothing left to do in the bathroom, but I wanna finish the song that’s playing on my phone.
Sometimes It’s a song I’ve heard a million times.
Because opening the door and letting the air reverberate through the hallway changes things. The brief walk from bathroom door to bedroom door. Like the abrupt ambience change from opening the car door, walking through the garage, opening the house door, looking for the same station on the home radio…
This time the song was The Beach Boys’ “Don’t Worry Baby”